Appel à projets France 2030 « Alternatives vertes 2 »
Doté de 25 millions d’euros, ce dispositif vise à accélérer la transition écologique des entreprises culturelles, afin d’en faire un…
Scan And Make is happy to announce the opencall for the contest « Making Art 4.0 ». They are calling all artist and makers to participate to their contest to win a prize of £2500 and be able to exhibit in the final Exhibition in the Liverpool Radio City Tower 8-17 April 2017.
Making Art 4.0 is an art contest launched by Scan And Make, a young and innovative startup based in Liverpool, UK.
Scan And Make aims to promote the use of computer controlled technologies like 3D Printing, CNC Milling, Laser cutting and others to a wider audience, enabling them to emerge from the techy bubble where they are now trapped.
The idea behind the contest is to stimulate the creativity of the international art community and to push the usage of the above mentioned techniques.
The Open Call « MAKING ART 4.0 » is aimed at promoting creativity integrated and enhanced with technology. The artist is requested to experiment with new possibilities of artistic creation through digital technology.
Download the Open Call:
Closing date is 1st March 2017
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Doté de 25 millions d’euros, ce dispositif vise à accélérer la transition écologique des entreprises culturelles, afin d’en faire un…
Une occasion unique pour les esprits critiques de s'engager dans des projets transformateurs, répondant aux défis urgents posés par le…
Cet appel s’adresse à l’ensemble des artistes, chercheur·euse·s, professionnel·le·s, individuels ou collectifs évoluant dans tous les champs de la création…