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Appel à candidatures pour la résidence « The Morning Boat »

Appel à candidatures pour la résidence « The Morning Boat »

La résidence, centrée sur le thème de l'agriculture, l'acquaculture et la pêche, invite les artistes à développer une réflexion sur l'évolution des pratiques agricoles de l'île de Jersey ainsi qu'à interagir avec l'environnement local afin de reconnecter la population à l'économie rurale.

du 25 janvier 2017 au 10 février 2017

The morning boat  : a laboratory for research and action
The morning boat is an international artist residency on the island of Jersey that aims to generate a reflective and meaningful discourse on critical issues and real life practices that are central to the island’s economy, social fabric and way of life. Activities focus on local industries that are often referred to as the foundations of the island economy – Agriculture, finance and tourism – and their impact on people’s lives.

Artists will be invited to Jersey whose work is thought provoking, unforgettable, accessible to its audience and sensitive to the context in which it is presented. Projects will be developed specifically for the island of Jersey, responding to its unique character and narrative. Work will take place in public spaces and every-day working environments, in collaboration with the local community. An emphasis is placed on live public art events.

The morning boat is produced by the Jersey Arts Trust and curated by Kaspar Wimberley and Susanne Kudielka. Artists will receive a fee, production budget, accommodation and travel expenses. We welcome applications from artists of all genres, artists with children, artists working in pairs and artist collectives.


Focus for 2017 and 2018  : Agriculture, aquaculture and fishing 
Working together with farmers, fishermen, seasonal workers, politicians, chefs, retailers and consumers, artists are asked to investigate and respond to the locally grown, caught, gathered and reared food chain. They will explore the past, present and future implications of agricultural practices in Jersey, while interacting with and responding to existing infrastructures, social and economic conditions and the products themselves.

Farming may no longer be the largest economic sector of the island economy, but it is the oldest. Farming and fishing have been an integral part of island life for hundreds of years, repeatedly reinventing themselves in response to market changes or political upheaval; from cider and sheep farming, to potatoes and dairy, oysters and lobsters. As the islands demographic and economy has changed, an increasing proportion of the population are less connected with the rural economy. The morning boat hopes to bring the community together to engage with the lives of individuals involved in local production and the complex interconnected issues that affect, or are affected by, their work.


Working with and for the local community
The morning boat aims to be an arts residency that takes place in the heart of the local community, from the research that is undertaken, through to the public presentation of the work.


Deadline : 10th February 2017
For more information visit: 
Download the call:

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