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LABVERDE: Art Immersion Program in the Amazon

LABVERDE: Art Immersion Program in the Amazon

The program will promote an intensive experience in the Amazon rainforest aiming to explore the connection between science, art and the natural environment.

du 29 avril 2016 au 15 juin 2016

LABVERDE is an unforgettable and deep experience in the Amazon rainforest for artists from all over the world. LABVERDE aims to help cultural makers understand and reflect on one of the main natural areas of the planet.

The journey starts with a boat trip and it gets deeper in an ecological reserve in the heart of the Amazon region, allowing a selected group of artists to explore different scales and perspectives of the rainforest along with the mediation of specialists in art, humanities, biology, ecology and natural science.

Life experience and theory will be integrated into 10 days of intensive activities. A schedule of expeditions, lectures, workshops, presentations and seminars will enhance creativity, having nature as a common ground.

Among other themes, the participants will find out about landscape representation, nature art appropriation, innovative solutions for a sustainable economy, climate change and environmental impacts, forest sonority, local community extractivism culture, wild edible plants, entomology, natural history of organisms, fragmented areas in the Amazon and dendrochronology in the Amazon.

The network exchanges and the knowledge sets throughout the program will be an opportunity to develop innovative cultural content. After the program, participants will be able to improve their own creative discourses, identify natural environmental problems and solutions, and reflect on the role of art in influencing ecological behavior.

What is the LABVERDE Program?
It is a ten-day immersion in the Amazon rainforest to explore the connection between nature, art and science.

Where is the program going to happen?
The journey will take place in two main research centers: Ecological Reserve and Floating Research Station in the center of the Amazon region.

Who can register?
Visual artists, architects, musicians, writers, dancers and other cultural makers.

How many people can participate?
Only 15 participants will be selected.

How to apply?
Candidates have to fill the application form at and send the following documents:
– 250-word bio
– 500-word description of a creative project idea
– 5 to 10 images Portfolio

When is the dead line?
Registration will take place until June 15th.

How much does the program cost and what is included?
The fee is USD 1,900. Accommodation, meals and transfers are included.

What if I cannot afford the program?
Artists are encouraged to request grants in their countries of residence or birth. Communication letters can be designed and offered as needed to the applicants. LAB VERDE will also select two artists to participate in the program free of charge based on their artistic merit. To apply for this grant, participants must include a letter of motivation when registering for the program.

Who are the organizers?
LABERDE has been designed by a multidisciplinary team of highly qualified international professionals from Manifesta Art and Culture and The National Institute of Amazonian Research (INPA). A world reference in tropical biology, INPA conducts research, surveys and inventories of fauna and flora, and investigates the sustainable use of natural resources in the Amazon (

More information:

Lilian Fraiji
+55 92 99988 1301 (Brazil)

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